Republicans For Rational Reform

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Governor of California has ignored the people who placed their confidence in the democratic process and voted for the board members of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

It does not matter if you supported the outcome of the vote, the process was one which has been fought for throughout the history of our country. The price paid by so many Americans can not be dismissed.

The backroom dealings of the Mayor, Union and Legislature are a disgrace. Now that the Governor has signed onto this trampling of our rights as Americans, we look to the LAUSD Board and Superintendent to act on our behalf and proceed with legal action to protect our rights as Voters.

AB1381 signed into law at the expense of our rights and in violation to the State Constitution, is a clear example of the willingness of our Mayor to only obey laws which serve only his agenda.

His election and first year in office are a testament to his true nature and character.


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