Republicans For Rational Reform

Saturday, September 30, 2006

AB 1381 – Harmony or Havoc

Now that Governor Schwarzenegger has given AB 1381 his signature of approval and everyone has left the photo op, and clarity has returned to the eyes of those blinded by all the flash bulbs, what happens next?

The bill–due to go into effect on January 1, 2007¬–will give the “Council of Mayors” hiring authority over the Superintendent and gives authority for hiring and awarding construction contracts to that Superintendent in addition to other powers.

The question on everyone’s lips now is; “Who will be the next LAUSD Superintendent? Since Roy Romer is anxious to step down from the position the LAUSD Board of Education is feverishly searching for his replacement. Amid chaos? It appears so. The Board of Education–currently possessing hiring authority for the next three months–is, according to Mayor Villaraigosa, withholding information about candidates vying for the position. The Board claims their decision is to protect those candidates who wish for their application to remain confidential–and with 26 mayors receiving the information it would be difficult if not impossible to respect their wishes. The mayor’s office in response has accused the Board of using “obstructionist tactics.”

Oh, to be a fly on that wall. I can only imagine how quickly the Board would like to hire someone to replace Roy Romer and retain some of their authority–if for no other reason than to avoid Jackie Goldberg getting the position. I wonder if her resume has made it into the stack of applicants, yet. Maybe they’re busy checking her references.

“Let’s see, previous employment: Assemblywoman. Hmmm, that sounds familiar. References? Here we go: Antonio Villaraigosa and Fabian Nunez. Hmmm! Those names sound familiar.”

For us regular citizens, if you don’t like what your elected officials are doing–you can go to the polls and vote them out of office. But it appears–in California anyway–If you are a politician, the process is different. Instead of going to the polls or soliciting the voters, you draft a bill shifting authority from one elected body to another, place pertinent decision making into the hands of one individual and empower a third party with the hiring and firing of that individual. Now you have successfully constrained the elected body with whom you disagree and placed authority into the hands of your cohorts. WOW! And to top if off, you get a governor in a re-election year to sign the bill by promising photo ops with inner city teachers and community leaders and you have successfully circumvented the entire electoral process. Congratulations Mayor Villaraigosa and Fabian Nunez on staining us with your own brand of Democracy.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Governor of California has ignored the people who placed their confidence in the democratic process and voted for the board members of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

It does not matter if you supported the outcome of the vote, the process was one which has been fought for throughout the history of our country. The price paid by so many Americans can not be dismissed.

The backroom dealings of the Mayor, Union and Legislature are a disgrace. Now that the Governor has signed onto this trampling of our rights as Americans, we look to the LAUSD Board and Superintendent to act on our behalf and proceed with legal action to protect our rights as Voters.

AB1381 signed into law at the expense of our rights and in violation to the State Constitution, is a clear example of the willingness of our Mayor to only obey laws which serve only his agenda.

His election and first year in office are a testament to his true nature and character.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mayor Alan Autry
City of Fresno

August 28, 2006

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
City of Los Angeles
200 North Spring Street, Room 303
Los Angeles, CA 90012
VIA FACSIMILE 2133-978-0656

Dear Antonio:
I have tried unsuccessfully to reach you regarding your education reform bill. I'm left with only one conclusion, that you felt the needed votes had been arranged and there was no need to return my call.

I can't tell you how disappointed I am. As you know, I supported your efforts for reform and crossed many of my fellow Republicans to do so. I did so with peace in my heart because I believed you genuinely cared about the welfare of all the children in California, many of whom live in the most impoverished region in the country – Fresno, California. It hurts me badly to think you were apparently playing a political game for Los Angeles and Los Angeles only.

The bill that passed the Senate today could have easily contained the intent language for Fresno that Senator Denham had fought for. All you and Fabian had to do was support it. It would have cost you and the speaker nothing. But you didn't. It has become painfully obvious to me that you do not believe the kids in Fresno are of equal value to the kids of L.A. I think they're all equally important and precious to this state.

Antonio, since I have been in office, writing this has been one of the most difficult things I have done because I truly do respect you. But answer me truthfully, if the shoe was on the other foot and you were the Mayor of Fresno with some of the lowest test scores and highest dropout rates in the state, would you say and do nothing? Would you stay silent after watching a similar reform for Fresno summarily and egotistically dismissed by the Legislature and along with it, the hopes and dreams of thousands of our most needy children? We both know the answer to both of these questions – no.
City Hall • 2600 Fresno Street • Fresno, California 93721-3600
-------end page one -------

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
August 28, 2006
Page 2

Since we don't have the capacity for intimidation here in the Valley that you and Speaker Nunez wield at the State level, I guess all I can say is shame on you, brother. But this I vow to you and the Speaker – I will do everything I can to expose this action for just what it is, political deal making at its worst that puts the desire for power over the well being of our most disadvantaged children.

/s/Alan Autry

cc: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Speaker Nunez
Senator Denham
Senator Florez
Senate Education Committee
Assembly Education Committee

You tell them Buba!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oath of Office administered to Board Members upon their assumption of office.

I, ___________
do solemnly swear
that I will support and defend
the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of California
against all enemies, foreign and domestic
that I will bear true faith and allegiance
to the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of California
that I take this obligation freely,
without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion;
and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties upon which I am about to enter.

Given the oath of office taken by the LAUSD Board Members, they have no choice but to file suit if AB1381 is signed by Governor Schwarzenegger.

The Mayor has demonstrated his willingness to pick and chose which laws he is willing to enforce and which rights he is willing to respect. Those who support this bill may not feel it important to uphold and protect the constitutional rights of the people, but thank God we have a School Board and Superintendent who will.