Republicans For Rational Reform

Monday, July 24, 2006

An open letter to all parent leaders in LA:

A LITTLE BACKGROUND: In case no one noticed, the Mayor of Los Angeles is attempting to take over LAUSD; he sees that as a fitting and proper role for big city mayors.

• Both PTA Districts in LA, 10th & 31st, representing 60,000 PTA members, have studied the Mayor's proposal and the implementing legislation - AB 1381 - and have taken an OPPOSED position.

• California State PTA has similarly taken an OPPOSED position - although this is a local issue the changes are being directed from Sacramento - and CAPTA sees distinct statewide implications. Details follow in the Leg Alert Section.

At Mayor Villaraigosa's Town Hall Meeting in Westwood last Thursday evening charter school advocate and would-be parent's union founder Steve Barr – speaking for the Mayor's Plan, chose to attack PTA – characterizing the organization and its meetings as – and I think I've got this right: "monthly fights and shouting matches".

I've been to more than my share of PTA meetings, I've seen some where honest disagreements have broken out – democracy is like that.

But Steve, your child will never know a child with Polio. That's because PTA fought in the 1950's.

You have seatbelts in your car because PTA fought in the '60's. Your child rides in safety in a car seat because PTA fought in the '70's. The federal government is engaged in Public Education because PTA fought. PTA fought for those Title One funds your Green Dot Schools receive. Poor children get free and reduced price school lunches and there are kindergartens in public schools because PTA fought. School Zones and Child Labor Laws and Parental Involvement ….and those infuriating safety caps on medicine bottles because we fought.

Week before last Governor Schwarzenegger recognized PTA's advocacy for the Arts, Music and Physical Education in California at an event at Hamilton High School …and came though with nearly a billion dollars in funding for those programs.

And yes: Bake sales and after school programs and the Fall Carnival. All from those monthly fights from those meddlesome moms and dads.

Steve, there already is an independent parent's union - and it has grass roots locals at school sites, it has councils, districts and state organizations in every state. It has a national office. It has six million volunteer dues-paying members nationally; one million in California, 60,000 in LA.
It is PTA ...and we are not just punch and cookies. Join the fight.

Scott Folsom, President • Los Angeles 10thDistrict PTSA •


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