Republicans For Rational Reform

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 5, 2006

Office of the Governor

The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor of California
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

I am writing you today in response to your letter dated March 21, 2006, regarding your unwillingness to support the effort to preserve the original Los Angeles County Seal.

In that letter, addressed to Ms. Sandra Needs, Executive Director, Committee to Support the Los Angeles County Seal Ordinance, you stated,

“Decision-making authority for the matter you describe rests entirely with your County Board of Supervisors. Although I value your perspective, I am committed to honoring the role and responsibility of these locally-elected officials.”

And the letter was signed “Sincerely, Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

Given your response to Ms. Needs’ request for support of the LA County Seal Ordinance, I must question your readiness to involve the Governor’s Office with the matter affecting our Los Angeles School Board and those “locally-elected officials.” I am referring of course to your assertion (according to the Daily News) that you intend to sign AB1381 permitting Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa’s bid to take over the LAUSD Board of Education.

We, Republicans for Rational Reform, urge you to honor your commitment to locally-elected officials and veto AB1381 when it arrives on your desk. This is a matter to be decided by the voters of Los Angeles County not legislators and union leaders in Sacramento.

Please do not set a precedent you will not be able to reverse.


David Hernandez, Chairman
Republicans for Rational Reform


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